To Those Who Follow in Our Wake
Curated by Eva Seijas
‘To Those Who Follow in Our Wake’ is an activation of Per-Oskar Leu’s art installation An die Nachgeborenen, based on Bertolt Brecht’s poem of the same name. This art research has the aim of making the experience of migration and exile more public. In collaboration with Per-Oskar Leu, this art encourages social integration through language. The poem has been translated for this occasion in collaboration with the Language Cafe and Fahyma Alnablsi into different languages spoken in Tensta and is performed by local residents in their respective mother tongues: Samir Latif Hafiz in Arabic, Asha Mohamed in Somali, Gülgün Ok in Turkish, and Nawroz Zakholy in Swedish.
Eva Seijas, To Those Who Follow in Our Wake, Samir Latif Hafiz reading the poem, photo by Vygandas Simbelis
Eva Seijas, To Those Who Follow in Our Wake, Nawroz Zakholy reading the poem, photo by Siri Pårup
Eva Seijas, To Those Who Follow in Our Wake, Asha Mohamed reading the poem, photo by Vygandas Simbelis
Artwork by Yoyo Nasty at Konstfack University, photo by Vygandas Simbelis.
Eva Seijas (Spain, 1986) is a curator and an architect. After graduating in architecture, she collaborated with the artist Darya von Berner for almost three years on the production and design of art installation projects. In addition, she has worked in diverse fields, including curating events and architecture exhibitions; designing, producing and assembling scenographies; constructing ephemeral architecture, and making furniture and jewelry. Most recently, her work has focused on public art experience and projects displayed in urban spaces, with the aim of encouraging social integration.